#281 - The Golden Gate from Telegraph Hill, San Francisco
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Photographers number:281
Title:The Golden Gate from Telegraph Hill, San Francisco
Notes:CMP notes: Exhibited at 1868 MI Fair. Identified as CEW 281 on another BL print, as well as CSL print. Reduced copy in Lawrence & Houseworth stereo album at SCP, signed by CEW
Photographer:Carleton E Watkins
Publisher:Carleton Watkins
Format:Mammoth Plate
Image courtesy of:Online Archive of California
Tags:Abe Warners Cobweb Palace | Black Point | California | Golden Gate | Greenwich Street | Meiggs Wharf | Russian Hill | San Francisco | San Francisco County | Sand Dunes | Telegraph Hill | Telegraph Hill Boulevard | White Point
CarletonWatkins.org ID:1005836